‘Developing adaptive expertise to foster an effective learning environment’ is an Erasmus+ KA2 consortium with partners from Belgium, Slovenia, Ireland and The Netherlands. We aim to optimise evidence-informed future teaching and learning through the concept and principles of adaptive expertise.
Why Adaptive Expertise?
Classroom situations are more complex now due to migration, diversity, and inclusion. For school education to increase in quality, teachers must find ways to address these challenges. However, many educators still struggle to adapt their practice to the needs of each learner. Instead, the same routines are implemented again and again, with limited success.
This project aims to replace the ineffective and outmoded form of routine teaching with new tools to support schools, teams and teachers evolve adaptive expertise. Adaptive experts can adapt their ongoing practice to the needs of each learner.
Outputs of this Project
The following intellectual outputs will be created:
- An inspirational state-of-the-art guide on adaptive expertise;
- Tools to inquire adaptive expertise through formative assessment;
- Tools to scaffold adaptive expertise;
- A collection of adaptive practices and case studies;
- A Digital Learning Environment to support professional development in adaptive expertise.
Interested to Participate?
Whether you are a teacher, school head, advisor, teacher-educator, education expert, policy maker, or working to support schools, you can now experience our online adaptive expertise learning environment. Simply complete the signup form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5mChaWOeBl-3d4Zp_zFvOnKjLo-LxXuVKEUqEze13vkS_LQ/viewform
There are no obligations, only an opportunity to learn.