4 of our #AdaptiveExpertise project colleagues presented at the IVETA Hot Topics webinar on 9th September at 14:00 CET. The Webinar was jointly organised by the International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA) and the SkillNet Alliance.
The webinar was moderated by Dr Luke Steinke of Eastern Illinois University.
Lilian van Oostende-Beijnsberger from partner, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, opened with a simple mathematical case study before diving straight into the definitions and characteristics of Adaptive Expertise.
Sasa Kregar from our partner, National Education Institute Slovenia, presented case studies about actively introducing #adaptiveexpertise in schools in Slovenia, and focused on formative assessment.
Our partners, Dorien Sampermans and Liesbet Vroman, from Catholic Education Flanders present their findings about introducing #AdaptiveExpertise at policy level.